Vague Research Studios attended the conference ”Practice International”, IASPIS, Stockholm, November 14-16. ”What is Internationalism as a set of practices in relation to contemporary art?” The artist David Medalla, Radical pedagogy/Lisa Nyberg & Johanna Gustavsson and the group Ultrared amongst other gave their presentations within the conference theme. Ultrared also held a two days workshop elaborating the potential of sound as a tool for creative and deep conversations.
Kategori: NEWS
Children and alcoholics – a vague space in Västra Frölunda
Vague research studios are guest writers in the blog This Must be the Place, where we present our project Vague Terrain – Vague tissue in Västra Frölunda.
Vague Research Studios at Space and Place Oxford
Vague Research Studio will present their work “Vague Space as Potential: A Fluid Design for Urban Public Space” at the Conference Space and Place, Oxford, September 9 – September 12.
Vague Research Studio at Motala Konsthall
Vague Research is part of the exhibition vränga= at Motala Konsthall Opening, August 24, 13:00 Exhibition between August 24 – September 22 Outdoor Activity August 19 – August 21
Vague Research Studios in ”Att överleva”
The project Vague Terrain-vague Tissue is presented in the fanzine “Att Överleva”